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le film "Retour à Séoul", sélectionné au festival de Cannes 2023 et réalisé par Davy Chou, est une fiction basée sur mon histoire réelle et ma Recherche Des Origines en Corée du Sud en tant qu'Adoptée franco-coréenne. j'ai collaboré à l'écriture du script, conseillé sur l'aspect RDO et organisé des projections & débats en coordination avec des associations d'adopté.e.s internationaux et d'adoptants dans différents pays pour faciliter la compréhension et le dialogue autour de l'adoption. visionner le film

the movie "Return to Seoul", selected at 2023 Cannes Festival and directed by Davy Chou, is a fiction based on my life true story and Birth Family Search in South Korea as a French-Korean Adoptee. i collaborated for the writing of the script, advised on the BFS aspect and organised screenings & talks in coordination with associations of international adoptees and adopters in different countries to improve understanding and discussion about adoption. watch the movie

IN-PERSON | Jan 25 2023 | Paris at l'Escurial | with Racines Coréennes

IN-PERSON | Feb 11 2023 | Bordeaux FR at Utopia | with Racines Coréennes

IN-PERSON | Feb 12 2023 | Bruxelles Belgium at Palace | with Korean Adoptees in Belgium (KAB)

IN-PERSON | Mar 1 2023 | Nantes FR at le Beaulieu | with Enfance et Familles d'Adoption EFA44

HYBRID | March 21 2023 | Sweden Stockholm | with Adopterade Koreaners Förening (AKF)

HYBRID | March 23 2023 | Pittsburgh U.S - Carnegie Mellon University International Film Festival

IN-PERSON | April 2 2023 | Besançon FR at Victor Hugo | with Racines Coréennes

ONLINE | April 15 2023 | with U.S Korean Adoptee Associations

IN-PERSON | April 20 2023 | Utrecht, Netherlands at Louis Hartlooper Complex

IN-PERSON | April 22 2023 | Berlin Germany at FSK Kino | with Korea Verband

IN-PERSON | May 2 2023 | Angoulême at Cinescop Megarama | with EFA16

IN-PERSON | May 23 2023 | Paris at le Brady | with EFA75 & EFA93

IN-PERSON | Oct 8 2023 | Mulhouse at Bel Air | with EFA68

IN-PERSON | May 31 2024 | Caen | with Racines Coréennes

IN-PERSON | July 8 2023 | London at the Institute of Contemporary Arts

ONLINE | July 2023 | IKAA GATHERING 2023 in Seoul, South Korea

IN-PERSON | Oct 4 2024 | Caen | with Racines Coréennes

UPCOMING | DENMARK with Danish Korean Rights Group


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